Saturday, November 7, 2009

Giveaway Time!

Dreaming of Christmas...{well, it's cold outside...really cold!} I have Christmas decorating on my mind!

A perfect time for my first blog giveaway don't you think?

The winner will recieve a $40.00 gift certificate to my etsy shop!

You can keep this for yourself or give it as a gift...
I'll be mailing it or sending it via email,
winners choice!

Tell me your favorite Christmas decorating color...

is it shades of white?

traditional reds?

shabby pinks?

shades of green?

or seaside blues?

Two easy steps to be entered to win....

first, if your aren't already, become a follower of my blog,

{simply click "follow" on the right side bar}...

second, leave a comment on this post..

telling me your fave Christmas decorating color!

before Saturday, Nov 14th at noon {drawing day!}

Double your chances by posting about my giveaway on your blog!

Just come back here and leave a second comment to let me know.

Winner will be chosen via

and will be contacted via email or your blog:)

Good Luck!´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´paula


1 – 200 of 219   Newer›   Newest»
Cherry Hill Cottage~ said...

My favorite is RED!!!!!!

Cherry Hill Cottage...

ps...I LOVE MY SIGN!!!!!!!!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I'm more a red and white girl! I love Tina's sign too!

Cherry Hill Cottage~ said...

OK girly...I've doubled my chances!! Go look on my blog~


Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...

I would love to win anything from your Etsy...beautiful! Thank goodness for Tina blogging about you. My favorite color to decorate with at Christmas is traditional red....I love it no matter what time of the year!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hard question!! I really love all the colors of Christmas and I use them, green, blue, purple, gold, silver. If I had to choose only one it would be Red!


welcometomyfrontporch said...

Red and White have always been my fave.


Julie B. [Holland] said...

I also have to say red with a mix of silver...
Julie ....

Debbie said...

This year is a RED year for me!!
P. S. - love the sign you made for Cherry Hill Cottage!

marie said...

Christmas = RED at my house! It's such a cheerful color. You have some beautiful signs in your Etsy store! Thanks for having such a nice giveaway.

OS. I read about your blog on Tina's blog. Her sign is wonderful!

Fonville Farm said...

Hi Paula! I love Christmas decorating and I can't wait to start! I end up having a mixture of red white and turquoise. Love your blog!

Fonville Farm said...

I'm back for a second chance, I just blogged about it!

vintage girl at heart said...

I just browsed your ETSY and I am thrilled with everything that I saw!!!! Just lovely!!
I love silvers and golds, have a pink shabby tree and also traditional reds and greens in my Christmas decor and would love to add one of your lovely signs to my Merry Home!
Good luck to all!!
I am also a new follower!!

Julie Harward said...

My favorite Christmas color is garnet/burgandy red...just love it! I am now your follower..come say hi and be mine too! :D

Lisa said...

I'm a fan of red at Christmas! It's so cheery against white!
PS Just discovered your blog and your etsy shop! I'm smitten! Everything is divine!

marie said...

I just posted about your giveaway ~ thanks for the second chance to win!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love white and silver. It reminds me of snow, which I so miss here in AZ!
Beautiful blog!!

Jeska ♥ said...

Hi my favorite color is red, love the bright cheerful color, its so inviting, too. I also sooo love the sign you made for cherry hill, right now I'm on my way to your Etsy shop and look around :)

Becky from Tennessee said...

Hi! I am a new follower to your blog
thanks to her new sign!
I don't have a blog so I can't post
anything but I would love to be
considered for your give-away.
I am torn between whites and creams
and the traditional reds and greens.
White, cream, and silver remind me
of snow and reds and greens remind
me of my childhood. I love them all!

Millie said...

I join those who love white for Christmas. I just learned of your blog from Cherry Hill Cottage and I am off to read more...

Jeska ♥ said...

I already went ahead and posted on my blog about your giveaway, thanks.

LindaSonia said...

I love Victorian pinks and creamy whites, but I always seem to come back to red. I think need more than one house...;) LindaSonia

Jeska ♥ said...

Ooops forgot to type in my blogspot address, my blogspot address is...

Jeska ♥ said...

I just visited your etsy shop and your signs are soo adorable!

Life In My Nest said...

Red, red, red (and gold). I've tried other colors at Christmas, but it just isn't the same. (Love Tina's sign.)

Anonymous said...

My favorite Christmas color is red, but this year I'm going to try something new "White Christmas". Don't know if I can pull it off! I'm addicted to red at Christmas.

Cindy said...

Your signs are amazing!!! I'll be ordering one in the near future!!! Gorgeous!!!

I love white but I also love blue! If I had to pick just one color though it would be white!

Cindy said...

I forgot to mention that I'm now a follower of your blog!

jmac said...

It has to be RED & GREEN....those are Santa's colors, dontcha know?!! We sure don't wanna ruffle Santa's feathers!!

Life In My Nest said...

I'm back -- you are now on my blog too! Thanks for such a great offer. Teresa at

Stacey said...

Hi Paula! Just found your blog in the last week and I love it. :) My favorite Christmas colors are the traditional red and green. Luckily, those are the colors in my home anyway so it's easy to work with and looks great.

Your signs are gorgeous. I will post about your giveaway on my blog. New visitors will love what they find.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I am here by way of Cherry Hill Cottage. I am so glad that I found you, I LOVE your blog!I subscribed as a follower.
My favorite colors in Christmas decor? I guess I am more of a traditionalist, I prefer whites, silvers and reds. I am off to check out your etsy shop!

Marla said...

I like pops of lime green color, especially with traditional red.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I am traditional and love RED...not much red in my home except the kitchen~LOL

I tend to decorate a bit different in each room, depending on the color scheme :)

Please enter me in your great give~away...found you from Tina.

Ginny said...

hi I am a new follower. I found you through cherry hill cottage. I love silver and red for the holidays. I use a lot of crystal also. Please enter me in your giveaway. I would love to win a sign from your etsy.

aimee said...

what a great giveaway and so thoughful. i love to decorate in reds and white.

Jennifer said...

I love all colors, but the one I use the most and is my ultimate favorite is Red. I've signed on as a follower.

Jennifer said...

Back again. Posted about your blog and the giveaway on my

aimee said...

im a follower #50! love your shop.

Rachel said...

Wow...this is a tough one. I'd say I stick to jewel tones--mostly red and green, with purples and blues as accents, with gold accents, for Christmas. It is the one holiday I really decorate like mad for, so I've been buying decorations since, well, since I had money to buy decorations with! LOL.

Oh--I heard about you through Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage--I love her sign, too! Absolutely perfect!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

LOVE the Cherry Hill Cottage sign!! Gorgeous!! I am a follower!

My Christmas colors are red and gold though I add all the other traditional colors of Christmas!

Love your blog!

Lou Cinda :)

Rachel said...

Paula, I'm officially a follower now, and have dutifully mentioned you on my blog, as well.

Thanks for the chances!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I became a follower:) Found you from Tina:) I loved her sign to. I love the shabby pink for Christmas! Elma

JStacie said...

I am now a follower. I am attracted to so many different colors and sometime I change them, but I think I would say a combo of white, red, and jade-ite green.

jessicastacie at gmail (dot) com

Sandy said...

Hi, I just found your blog via Cherry Hill you work! I would have to say my favorite Christmas color is red....with green a close second.....I am very much a traditional 1940-1950's type of things that remind me of my childhood......

mum4305 said...

This is my first visit to castle & cottage(Thank you cherry hill cottage). My favorite colors for Christmas, for the last few years, have been lime green and turquoise. Outdoors I like purple. Nice to meet you.

WendyKV said...

Paula! I love your blog! I'm now a follower of yours. The sign you made Tina is wonderful. My favorite color last year for Christmas was aqua. I think I'll do that again this year with mercury glass and shades of cream. Ü

The Feathered Nest said...

I'm so glad I found your beautiful blog!! I would LOVE to be entered into your giveaway and will follow you AND post too!!! My very favorite color to use in Christmas decorating is cream....creams, gold and sparkle! xxoo, Dawn

Monique said...

What a wonderful gesture! We celebrate Christmas in the Summer time here in Australia, But I do love to decorate with whites and silver, it just looks so elegant!

Amy R. said...

I love your signs and your home! I think I am a traditional red and white lover. I am getting excited about decorating after seeing your pics. I am now a follower of your blog too.

Barbara said...

Paula, This is my first visit, I saw the sign on Poofing the Pillow. My favorite color for Christmas is Purple, Gold, silver and a touch of pink.

Thanks for opportunity to enter such a great giveaway.


Carol Mae said...

Love your blog, I'm a follower too, Would love a chance to win. My favorite color for Christmas decor is Red and white. Carol

Jacque said...

Hello Paula, this is my first visit to your blog. I came via Cherry Hill Cottage. I love all your signs and Tina's is to die for!

My favorite color for Christmas has to be traditional RED, this year it will be accented with Chartreuse/pistacio GREEN. I can't wait to see how that subtle (LOL)change in green will pop all thru the house.

I have signed up to follow your blog and will post about it on my blog for tomorrow. I will come back and let you know as soon as I get it posted.

Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

Anonymous said...

RED is my favorite Christmas color. The more the merrier!

Teacup Lady (Sandy)

Joan and Kevin said...

I would have to say burgandy. Since I have it in my home all year round. It is now my favorite color to decorate with and really enjoy it at Christmas time.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

You're a smart cookie! I actually put notice of your giveaway at the very top of my sidebar where it will reside until next weekend. If someone clicks on the image, it will take them to your blog!

My favorite holiday colors are deeper and at the top of the list. I know you are shocked and surprised by this! ;)

DeborahF said...

Hi Paula..found my way here from Cherry Hill Cottage. Thanks for the opportunity to be in your giveaway and I would have to say that I am pretty traditional when it comes to Christmas and I believe red would be my color of choice...of course with lots of green thrown in!
Love your blog!

Lee Weber said...

Favorite decorating color is red and green, but changing to silver this year in our new house!

A Vie Renouvele said...

Paula, I too love your signs and your blog. I'm a follower. I'm usualy pretty traditional but this year I'm going with pink, silver & white. Soooo pretty! Linda

Theory said...

What a wonderful shop you have, so glad I came over from Dawn's. I am now a follower.. I paint signs too but yours are an inspiration. Please enter me in the giveaway am telling everyone to check you out. Favorite color for Christmas is white, I am a kid at heart and it reminds me of snow and all the fun I had outside in the Iowa winter. Hugs Theory just a country gal in Iowa

CosmoGirl Carla said...

Ooo, Marie at "Spun by Me" sent me over. I love your blog! Can't wait to browse around some more. My fave C'mas color the past couple years are bright green and pink. Just love those bright cheerful colors together. Hope I win!

Primitive Seasons said...

I love greens. They give a natural effect and almost any color goes with green. Fresh greens, artificial, any green just says Christmas.


CosmoGirl Carla said...

Oh, Paula, I just noticed you're from Delaware - me too! Only I'm a native Delawarean who's never left! As small a state as it is, we might be neighbors. You know, everyone knows everyone in Delaware, or is related some how!

I put a plug on my blog about your generous giveaway.

Auntie Cake said...

White and silver girl here. Beautiful pictures and love the shop!

Tracey said...

I use to decorate in blues and whites, but this year I'm going very traditional with reds and browns... a touch of green. Found your blog via Cherry Hill Tina's sign. Glad I found you!! Great Blog!

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

How many can we have? :-)...definitely whites and silver with a little gold thrown in.
I found you in a round about way from Tina's blog! Glad I did!...lovely blog!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Just clicked over to your Etsy shop, Paula, and you have some lovely signs! I seem to vary my favorite color from year to year and this year it will be varying shades of green with red and pink thrown in. I've become a follower of your blog.

Anonymous said...

Gotta be shades of green. Yep - that's my final answer.

Thank you for the over-the-top giveaway. You are very generous. Thank you for this opportunity.

SuZeQ -

Sandi said...

Hi Paula,
So nice to find you via Dawn at the Feathered Nest! I love your blog and will be back asap to read older posts.
My favorite decorating color for this year is whites and silver. I did pink in the past, but am loving whites and silvers today.

Audrey said...

I am following your blog! It's wonderful!! Was just at your shop - you have so many amazing items.

audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com

Audrey said...

My favorite color to decorate with at Christmas is Red!! Luckily that is also hubby's favorite color :)

Darlene said...

Oh, your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!! I stopped by from Carla at CosmoGirls blog. I am now a follower and my favorite Christmas color is red. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.♥

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I have blogged about your giveaway on my blog.

Life on Royal Lane said...

After years of shabby pinks and creams, I returned last year to traditional red, green and gold, and loved the feel and memories of my childhood that came flooding back. I intend to repeat that this year. At this time in our world, I think people are returning to things of their past and childhood, because it brings such comfort. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

Whatever Is Lovely said...

Hi Paula!!I think you know how much I LOVE your signs!!! Decorating with Whites is my Favorite Color for Christmas.. So Bright & Beautiful! This is such a generous Giveaway Paula!! Thank You!

I'm Definitely a follower!

Blessings ~ Teresa

Whatever Is Lovely said...

It's me again! I posted about your Giveaway on my Blog! I'm excited! Cant wait to see who wins!! ~ Teresa

Shelly said...

Love Red & White!!!! But have to admit I love mixing all those colors in at Christmas time!!!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Love your blog and the things in your Etsy shop! For Xmas I love Red and white but mostly it depends on which room I am in. Thanks for such a great Giveaway!

The House Creative said...

What a fun giveaway! My favorite decorating color for the holidays has got to be white and silver. I definitely use red as well, but I only use white lights, and lots of silver.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here and I certainly will be back! I love what you have on your blog and Etsy. My favorite color at Christmas is traditional red. It is warm, inviting, and a comfortable color in our home.

Thanks for sharing.


Leslie said...

I love white and greens but I love red too. I cant make up my mind!!1


Love the Decor! said...

I love your work!!
I am a follower and look forward to seeing more of this wonderful blog!!

Love the Decor! said...

I do my tree in burgundy and gold and then I have a small one in another room that is done in all starbucks ornaments red/white green

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

I almost forgot...I just signed up to follow your blog. I love it!

Unknown said...

I like to decorate for Christmas with Red and Gold Thanks

Marlene said...

OMG, pick just one color for Christmas? It's a yearly thing. Most the the time it's pinks or blues or silvers. OK pinks.

Tins and Treasures said...

I agree with Marlene, It's hard to pick just one color. I have an attic full of different collections, so I don't always have the same every year.

This year I feeling the traditional red and green. We have a foreign exchange student in our home and I'm thinking it needs to be an Old Fashioned Christmas this year!

Happy Sunday ~Natalie

midnight baker said...

Here's the thing. I've tried the one color scheme before, but I always come back to my mismatched sentimental ornament theme. I can't help but enjoy the handmade and often 'tacky' memories hanging on the tree. I suppose you could say the remainder of it is all red and green, but I wouldn't say any one is dominant.

cakegirl said...

Your blog is a treat for the senses. My favorite Christmas color is red. It is so very cheery, bright and vintage all at the same time.

Claudia said...

Paula, I came over from Cherry Hill Cottage - I love your signs! In fact, I would like to contact you about a custom order, like Tina's, for my home, which is Mockingbird Hill Cottage. I'm not sure how to contact you.

I have become a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway. My favorite color for Christmas used to be red - but it is fast becoming a combination of pink and aqua!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog and am now a follower. I love all the different ways people decorate for Christmas, but my all time favorite is shades of white. There is something so classic, classy, and comforting in that.

Jessica Canham said...

Your signs are gorgeous! My favorite colors are the traditional Victorian Christmas burgundies and hunter greens.

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I just found your site through Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions and I love it! Thanks for offering a giveaway to your Etsy shop and I hope I win. I've signed up to be a follower. My favorite way to decorate for Christmas is in blue & whites. I can't wait to have my own "fancy tree" that is just blue, white, and silver.

Serendipity Handmade said...

My favorite is red, for certain!

Cherry Blossoms said...

I love silver and red together...I think those colors are SO elegant! Plus I am follower #100!

CherryBlossomsDesign AT hotmail


Mammy said...

I'm so traditional I could be my mother. Red, red, red! I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog! And my favorite Christmas decorating colors are gold and silver! :)
I feel like it gives the house a really classic, elegant feel.

paperjunk-lc said...

I just discovered you via Tina at Cherry Hill.
What color??? I've always been a red girl but lately I'm leaning towards shades of white.

sharon said...

What a gorgeous gorgeous blog!!! Your photos are soooo inspiring! I'd have to say that I adooore the white and frost , and icy color decorations!! Your etsy shop is FAB!!
I joined in with your followers!! Now I'm psyed about Christmas looking at your blog!!
Thank you for your generousity!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

whooohooo I am comment 100....I hope that makes me lucky.

my christmas color is pink...... on a white tree.

via Tina @cherry hill cottage

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

p.s.I am a follower too.

Oliver's said...

Hi my name is Paula as well, and I love to decorate with traditional red and "granny apple green"! Your signs are beautiful and I am now a follower of your incredible blog! I hope I win~Paula

The Ward Family said...

Christmas is a wonderful season. I love to decorate in the traditional red and greens, but I love to throw in a splash of leopard print here and there. Thanks for the great give away.
Blessings to you,
Holly Ward

Anonymous said...

I love the Cherry Hill Cottage sign. That is what brought me here. So pretty

I became a follower and I love red (especially red and white).

Kristen Smith

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hi Paula,
What a great giveaway!!! I'm already a follower. My favorites would be silver and white! I'm crossing my fingers and my toes on this one!!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Oh I came from Cherry Hill and I love the sign you made fior her :-) Red. Yeppers, traditional, cheery, cherry, candyapple red! Thanks for the opportunity to win- and I will enjoy following you!

Becky Garrison said...

I love the more traditional colors of reds, greens and golds, with other things thrown in. The last few years I've added lots of chandelier crystals hanging all over my tree, even garlands of them! I'm off to tell folks about your giveaway on my blog - thanks! Becky

Carol said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us in such a generous way. Afor my decorating style for christmas, it's mostly traditional, I have been adding old US flags to my tree for years and I just love it. It's nice to see what everyone else is decorating with.

Becky Garrison said...

Please count me in twice! I've put your info in my "Giveaway Corner" on the right hand column of my blog. Thanks! Becky

Kasie said...

I love the reds and pinks!

Anonymous said...

I found you via Tina and so glad I did! What an awesome blog you have!!
I love decorating with so many colors for Christmas- isn't that what it is all about lots and lots of color!! Silver, white and pink are the top three - I would love for my whole house to be the shabby chic look but alas DH likes his wood grain! I do have several rooms that have a definite bent in the shabby pink direction!

Became a follower and looking forward to checking out your older posts!


Jennifer @ The Craft House said...

Thank you very much for this opportunity, I have fallen in love with your signs!!

I am a follower. :)

My favorite Christmas decorating colors are red and silver.


Anonymous said...

I just posted about your fabulous giveaway on my blog-

Jennifer @ The Craft House said...

I blogged about your giveaway! :)


That Heather Girl said...

I like the red! Always been red and green around my house!

Jean Tuthill said...

My favorite color for Christmas is red, and it always has been. I became a follower and I will post your giveaway on my blog. I'll be back often.

Anne-Marie T said...

I tend to use Green and Silver/White every year.

Unknown said...

My favorite color for Christmas is blue.

Unknown said...

I've become a follower. THANKS!!! and what a GREAT!!! giveaway.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Hello Paula...what a wonderful giveaway...I am already a follower of your gorgeous blog and I am going to post about it as soon as I finish my comment!!!

I love all of your gorgeous signs and plan on ordering one or two before the week is over!!! I have a question for you about one of the Christmas signs...I will come back later and grab your e-mail address.

Come by my blog if you get a minute...I'm having a giveaway too!!!


MJ said...

I just became a follower of your blog and can't wait to look back at the archives!! My favorite Christmas color is silver!

Carla said...

Wow! I'm 118 (in your followers..not years!!) Thank you for your generous giving spirit. Your etsy shop is lovely.

Carla said...

O! I forgot... My favorite Christmas colours are pink, a bit of red and loads of silver... like delicious candy! Yummy!

Thanks again for your giveaway (can't be said enough!)

Journal Swag said...

Fun fun! I adore white and silver with pastel pink, spring green, and aqua (vintage mostly too). I became a follower and I hope I'm a winner!! Your things are beautiful!!

Crossing fingers!

Karen said...

I love your signs! I wish I could decorate several trees because I love so many styles! My tree is colorful, can't choose a favorite!

Rhondi said...

Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage told me about your giveaway so I've stopped by to join in. My favorite color for Christmas is red, pretty traditonal.

Huguette En said...

I'm a new follower :)

My favorite decorating colors for Christmas are red and silver.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love Christmas and all those photos you showed were so pretty, however I am a traditional red girl myself. Sometimes it is a bit of rustic feel, sometimes more of a classic style but red is featured every year!

I came over from Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage! So nice to visit you!

Stephanie Grant said...

My fave color is white for decorating.

Stephanie Grant said...

I blogged here:

Victory said...

I loooove silver at Christmas. It reminds me of snow and the star that the magi followed. This year I'm going to add in a little red, I think, to warm it up.

Mmm...Happy Christmas Planning!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

I had decorated red/gold/green, red/white and pink in the last years. This year I will go for shabby white and silver but there will be a place in the house that will get a pink decoration.

Barbara Jean said...

Paula, What a great giveaway!!

I have always done traditional red and green at home, but now with the store, I'm starting to LOVE silver and white together.

Nice to have found your blog.


barbara jean

Jennifer Emick said...

Green, with white/silver and a touch of blue.

Ticking and Toile said...

Hi there!
My favorite color for Christmas is natural tones (burlap, brown packing paper, twine, pine cones) and white!


Nita Jo said...

I am a new follower of your blog. I found you through Dawn of The Feathered Nest.
My favorite Christmas color is red, from bright red to burgandy. I also love blues, whites, silver and gold.

Megan Chamberlain said...

Hi I love your blog and the giveaway is so fantastic. I have become a follower. My favourite Christmas colours are cranberry/plum and sage with silver.

P. said...

Traditional red. No doubt.

DragonflyzDreams said...

Your blog is awesome and I would love to sign up for your gift certificate. PLease enter me twice as I will post on my blog also. Oh, I just love Winter White! Your scene with the snowbaby in the sled being pulled by reindeer is myfavorite and I used to collect the Dept 56 snowbabies.
Smiles, Cyndi

Julie Ann said...

My favorite color is blue- so I try to incorporate it into every holiday!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love red and silver. I'll be looking over your site since I'm already getting excited about Christmas.

Hugs, Gretchen

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I love love your signs and am excited to follow your blog ~ I didnt' know you had a blog until just now ~
I would love to be entered in your contest ~ My favorite Christmas color is white ~

The Jeweled Postcard said...

Oh my goodness! Came here via the "feathered nest"! Dawn has a way of sending us to the best blogs on the block!!! I love your blog and your Etsy shop! If I were to be so lucky to win it would be so hard to pick something as I love every one :)

I love most of the shades of Christmas and try and do a little of them all throughout my home. I love the shades of white..yum..traditional shades of reds and the shabby pinks! I do a little of all of them as it's my favorite holiday I go all out!! I am definitely a follower and off to heart your etsy shop (candies64.etsy) (((hugs)))

Diva Kreszl said...

I'm so happy to have found my way here via PJ's Blog and am now a follower! I guess my favorite Christmas colors are traditional red & green but I do love silver & gold too!!! Oh who am I kidding...I love it all!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all the varied styles of decorating with "non-traditional" colors but when it comes to my own home, I end up with very traditional red (primary) and green (accents). It evokes memories of my early childhood (though in my teen years, mom went towards Victorian pinks and whites).

I love the blog!

acm0101atyahoodotcom (that is a zero-one, zero-one)

Lallee said...

Paula, what beautiful work you do on your signs!

I am so eclectic in my decorating taste so I enjoy all the colors. However, if I had to choose just one it would have to be red for Christmas. It's the color I always come back to.

Anonymous said...

I'm here from Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage. I can't wait to look around your blog and etsy shop!

Choosing a favorite Christmas color is hard. It really all depends on the setting. I really like red and white, but my favorite color for anything is green. I like bright greens and the soft greens with silver and cream. Lovely.

Theresa in TX

Anonymous said...

Following, and my favorite Christmas design color is shades of gold, usually pale shades. Goes with everything: burgundy, cream, sage, forest green, turquoise--any color at all.

Laura C


Candy said...

I love the mixture of silver, (mercury glass and I have a thing going on right now) with the soft and shiny pink. Just gorgeous to me.

The Library Lady said...

Hello. I just found your blog through Tina at "Cherry Hill Cottage". I really like your site and have bookmarked you to visit each day. I don't have a blog but would love to enter your give-a-way. My fave for Christmas is the traditional red.

The Library Lady
"Take surprise and delight in the little things"

pippirose said...

My favourite Christmas colour is Red. To me, it is the epitome of Christmas. My decorations are homespun, mostly handmade (by me)...and red, green, and white just suits it all.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Deb K said...

Hi Paula!
I just found blog looking around Etsy and I have to agree with the comments here that your Blog is beautiful!! I am a new follower also.

I love Christmas and my favorite color is different as I put purple all over my house from bulbs to garland.

Thanks so much for the chance to win!


she dreams big! said...

White, white, white! Oh, with my new favorite color - kind of a coppery, chocolate color! I am a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

she dreams big! said...

Sending everyone to your lovely blog! Posted about your giveaway. Thanks for another chance to win!

Preppy Mama said...

So excite I found your blog, its beautiful! I am a new follower and my favorite decorating color is silver and white, just reminds me of snow! Thanks!

alicia said...

My favorite is white with lots of sparkling mercury glass mixed in~ love it!

terri said...

Is there any other color but RED for the holidays? And I love to punch it up with lime green.....yummmmm.

My City Cottage said...

Wow, I am so glad I have found your shop! What great signs!!! I love silver and blue. Very retro looking trees like my parents had in the 60's!

Unknown said...

Hello! I was on The Feathered Nests' blog and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the Paris Flea Market sign I hired you to make for my studio! I didn't know you had a blog so I thought I would come and visit! BTW, my studio will be in the Spring edition of Cloth Paper Scissors Studios and your sign will be in there! I love your generous give-away! This Christmas I am going for light pink, lime green and robin's egg blue!


Thrifty Cents said...

Oooooh! I <3 your signs! So, I like the traditionally classic red and green colors of Christmas!

Karyn Hughes said...

My favorite color is reddish, like burgundy, with silver.


Anonymous said...

Gosh hard question.... more gold, bronze, copper, rich deep reds and a splash of lime green for pop..... amazing signs....

Anonymous said...

oops gosh hard question more gold, bronze copper rich deep reds and splash of lime green for pop .... amazing signs...
forgot to post my email

Unknown said...

I would love to have a chance in your giveaway!
I have a hard time deciding on colors for Christmas so I usually decorate with the soft pinks & aquas in my familyroom and the more traditional red & greens in the front livingroom.
I am now a follower.

blueberries in the fields said...

i just love your blog and i will have to go and visit your shop too ! it is hard to decide what color is my favorite. when i look at your pictures i would shoose them all. but then, i am not really a theme person. If i like something, i add it to my decor. so my x-mas can be a mix of everything. But since i have to behave, i will go with the red.
thanks for such a beautiful giveaway ♥

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

follower & I love red and gold.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

LuLu Kellogg said...

Hi Paula~
Of course my choice to decorate is in whites and seaside blues :) Anyone that wins one of your signs is in for a real treat! You do such lovely work and I have enjoyed all my signs I have purchased from you.
Isn't Blogland wonderful?


Fondant Kiss said...

Im making my own decorations this year (first time ever) I will use pastel colours with lots of SILVER glitter for lots of sparkle!
I am even more inspired now looking at your lovely pictures.
Best regards

Lori said...

I'm back to let you know I blogged about your giveaway and getting a second chance to win. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula!
I know I was here before to comment, but got distracted and never finished...does that ever happen to you??lol! favorite color is rich red, like the ribbon on the chairs in the photo...Gorgeous!
What an amazing giveaway! It IS fun, isn't it? My very first giveaway just ended and I am already planning for the next!
Oh, I am a new follower, too:)


Lisa said...


I'm also from Delaware. I love white. They are all great but white is my favorite.


Preemie Donna said...

your blogg is wonderful, favorite christmas color HOT Pink.

The Tattered Cottage said...

Hi Paula -

Ohhh what a WONDERFUL giveaway. I would love to win!!! I have my eye on the vintage typewriter keys picture! LOVE IT!! I am already a follower. My favorite Christmas color to decorate with changes year to year. This year I am loving light blue with silver, fresh and sparkly :) Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway.
The Tattered Cottage

Beth said...

This year I am loving the silver, sparkly look. But I also always like reds. Cute blog!

Stayathomemommy said...

Oh how fun! Of course I am a follower! I love the traditional colors red and green but I think it is fun to throw some pink and blues in the mix!

Stayathomemommy said...

I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar. I would love for you to stop by and have a look around.

Luthien Thye said...

hi paula :)))
wow!! i'm so glad lulu wrote about you and this giveaway!! what beautiful art you make!! i would have followed you anyway :) and what a generous giveaway you are doing on your blog!! thank you for sharing your art with us :)) well ... since i consider myself elf-kind ... i am most incline to silver and white ;))they are magical colors!! have a creative week and congratulations on so many people playing in your giveaway :))
luthien :)

The French Bear said...

Hello Paula, I just became a follower, don't know how I missed you before! Thanks to Lulu for posting about you, your work is divine!
I love to decorate all in white, sometimes I find vintage red and I add that to my stash.
I am going to add your giveaway to my blog sidebar.
Margaret B

blushing rose said...

My colors are pink & white period. TY for a generous & wonderful giveaway.

Popover over for our TRIPLE GIVEAWAY, if you haven't. Have a lovely day ~ TTFN, Marydon

Abatevintage said...

Please enter me into your giveaway it sounds delightful.


Abatevintage said...

I forgot am a follower.


Six divided by two..... said...

First let me say that I loooove your blog!!! Lu Lu Kellog linked sent me and now I am a devout follower. My favorite Christmas color is Gold. I love Gold ornanments, the color of candle lite, Gold fabrics as runners and do forth. Plus you can never go wrong with gold accents..

Six divided by two..... said...

I linked your giveaway to my new blog!! HAve fun-

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

Oh I am a first time visitor and do so love your signs.Is your Giveaway open to International visitors? I have started my Christmas prep and my favorite colors are red and white (I did however design a stocking in black and white tartan/check on my Christmas Time Magic blog). Margie in Ireland.

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

Paula, I have posted about your Giveaway on my Christmas Time Magic blog.All thanks to LuLu for posting about it on hers. Hugs, Margie.

Maggie said...

My favorite Christmas color is red, if it has lots of shiny gold accents to go with it!

I am a first time visitor to your blog, and am now a follower! It's lovely and I'm looking forward to coming back!

Suzie Button said...

What a lovely blog you have! I just discovered you and I'm so thrilled! My favorite color for christmas decorating is pinks! and Sparkle. Is that a color? Smiles! Suzie purrpage3[at]verizon[dot]net

Suzie Button said...

I added your giveaway on my sidebar of my post for a second chance! Suzie

Charlene said...

Paula, I would love to win your Give Away!!!! I am commenting, I became a follower & I will post about the Give Away.

My favorite Christmas decorating colors are silver & gold.

icandy... said...

Hi Paula!
PASTELS!!!! All the way... I love the soft, vintage colors!

Anne Lorys said...

What a lovely blog you have! Your signs are amazing, I would happily purchase one with or without winning your big giveaway.
Wishing you MUCH success!

Unknown said...

I too have been thinking about Christmas, lately. It comes up so fast and I really love the season. Oh, I am a follower of yours. LuLu sent me over. Love your blog and your signs are gorgeous!
My favorite colors to decorate with at Christmas time are red and white. I also love to use plaids with red, white and green. Looks so cozy and elegant.
Thanks for the chance to win.
How fun!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Paula!
While blog hopping today I found your simply beautiful blog. Having a give away to boot. Well I am just thrilled. It would be a dream to own anything from your beautiful Etsy shop, but I would love to own a Merry Christmas sign.

I love shabby pinks this year. That would be me. I have signed up to be a follower also. I just love your blog. I can't wait to come back and see what you share next. I would love for you to pop over and say hi, and I would be so honored to have you follow my blog as well.

Country hugs, Sherry

April but some call me Prilyy said...

shabby chic for me all the way!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Paula,
RED is for me. I purchased your sign "Guest Cottage" and I L-O-V-E it. I will post about it soon.
Enjoy your day,

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many choices! I like Shabby Chic pinks in my studio, and reds in the house...

Gael at Pink-a-Palooza!

Caterina Giglio said...

got here thru Lulu's blog! my Christmas decorating colors are black and gold with touches of red and white!

Renee said...

Your blog is gorgeous.

Now I would love to win and I will keep it to myself because I am greedy. har har

My favourite colour at Christmas is red.

Also dear Lulu sent me.

I will now be visiting often since I love your blog.

Renee xoxo

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, delicious creations!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Jean Tuthill said...

Hi Paula, I just posted about your giveaway on my blog, so please give me an extra chance to win your beautiful giveaway. Thanks for being so generous. I hope I win!

stefanie said...

oh, my goodeness, what a gorgeous blog, i found you from lulu, i would love to win your giveaway!!! who wouldn't. my most favorites for christmas are the shabby pinks, i love them!!!! well i am off to check out the rest of your blog and your fab etsy shop, thanks

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