Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hello world....
Thursday, June 16, 2011
MacKenzie's sign ~ with ♥

As promised...and with lot's of love painted in...my sign (now on ebay...click here! ) to help my niece MacKenzie raise the funds she needs to go on a humanitarian mission to Haiti~

Mac Kenzie just finished her freshman year at Northwestern College in Orange City, IA...(where she is also a member of their women's basketball team, which, by the way, just won the NAIA national championship!!!...but I digress...back to her mission...)
Along with other members of the Trinity Reformed Church of Orange City and with two other organizations... United Christians International and Promise for Haiti they will travel to Pignon Haiti, July 27th~ Aug 5th.
"An estimated 250,000 people were killed and 300,000 homes destroyed in the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit the Port-au-Prince region January 2010, leaving 1.5 million homeless. Eighteen months later, roughly 700,000 are still living in miserable tent camps, with nowhere to go."
source~ montrealgazette.com
MacKenzie and her team members will be making cement floors and roofs for housing, helping at the hospital and a newly developed school. Knowing MacKenzie, she'll be putting her whole heart into this mission and I couldn't be happier to help her get there!

On another note....
Friday, June 10, 2011
my little royal wedding
Welcome to Stephanie's Wedding Blog party! I'm so happy to share and relive my wedding with you...24.5 years ago...I felt like a queen for a day!

St. Mary's in North Attleboro, Mass... the same church where my parents were married and I was baptized....
one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen...the architecture is stunning!

I wore my mom's wedding dress, and carried an exact replica of her gorgeous bouquet...to me it was perfection, how could you improve on perfection?!

our photographer captured the look on our faces after the ceremony... when they opened the church doors and we saw how much snow was falling.... priceless!
~us with Nate...Mike's nephew~
even 25 years ago I was in love with vintage.... my going away 'outfit' ... an antique Dior sequin sweater in creamy white, purchased at a thrift store near my college for $2.50, and yes I wore it at my wedding!... oh how I loved that sweater and still do!
I'm off to paint wedding signs today.... Ryan and Jena's sign is next up...their big day is fast approaching!!

Thanks to Stephanie of Angelic Accents for hosting this fabulous wedding party!!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
What's new...and what's old
Here's what's new.....
The response to my little debut in Romantic Homes has been overwhelming! You may have noticed my shops are sorta...closed! This is just for a little bit while I catch up. ....
and what's not new?....blogger issues.....what's up????
I've tried to do some blog hopping today but it only remembers me and let's me comment
some of the time....then it's starts going nuts, it has no clue who I am...what????
Even my blogroll has mysterious posts listed under some of your blogs....okay...who's 'tuttie'???
on Memorial Day...~later in the day when all the tourists had headed home~we ventured to the beach...I took a ton of photos but here's my favorite...
Mike on his skimboard...he did this all day!

one more new thing in the works....
coming up soon I've a gorgeous new sign that I'm working on for a fundraiser for my niece MacKenzie and her upcoming trip to Haiti....

So proud of her and so excited to be helping her out for this once in a lifetime experience!
stay tuned...