More photos of her in my etsy shop...hope you enjoy & hope your staying cool!!!
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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ paula
Now for some wedding signs...after all, what's a wedding without a sign or two?
(these are custom signs recently ordered by either the bride or...the mother of the bride!)
Mr. & Mrs. signs to hang on the bride & groom's adirondack chairs ...too cute!
How about an old time photo booth at your wedding? How fun!
Remember photo booths? I do, some of the funnest times growing up...making photo strips with your friends..seeing how many of you would fit in that little booth!
the cucumber trellis...my personal little Eiffel Tower!
my best gal...I think she's finally found her happy place!
at the **perfect price** Salvation Army... $5.00!
Two metal plates...one on each side say "Haggar Clothing Co." I was wishing it said
"Ralph Lauren Clothing Co." till I researched a little on Haggar....
turns out Haggar has a little fun history...
founded in 1926 in Dallas Texas by Lebanese immigrant Joseph M. Haggar, who's son had a famous phone conversation with President Lyndon Johnson....
The following is a transcript of a taped White House phone conversation of President Lyndon Johnson ordering pants.
The President: Mr. Haggar?
Haggar: Yes sir, Joe Haggar.
The President: Joe, is your father the one that makes clothes?
Haggar: Yes sir, we're all together.
The President: Ya'll made me some real lightweight slacks, that he just made up on his own, sent to me three or four months ago. It's kind of a light brown and a light green, rather soft green and soft brown.
Haggar: Yes sir.
The President: And they're real lightweight. Now I need about six pairs for summer wear. I want a couple of...maybe three of the light brown, kind of, uh, almost powder color, like powder on a lady's face. Then there was some green, and then maybe some of the light pair, if you had a blue in that or black, if I could have one blue and one black. I need about six pairs to wear around in the evening when I come in from work.
Haggar: Yes sir.
The President: And I need...they're about half an inch too tight in the waist.
Haggar: Too tight? Do you recall the exact size or was this one of the ones we truly did 'em right for you?
The President: No I don't know. Ya'll just guessed at 'em I think, son. But don't you have the measurements there? I can send you a pair. I want them a half inch larger in the waist than they were before, except I want two or three inches of stuff left back in there so I can take 'em up. I vary 10 or 15 pounds a month.
Haggar: All right sir.
The President: So leave me about two and half, three inches in the back where I can let 'em out or take 'em up and put...make these a half-inch bigger in the waist. Make the pockets at least an inch longer. My money and my knife, everything fall out. Wait just...
(the President muffles the phone and speaks to another person)
The President: Hello?
Haggar: Hello.
The President: Now the pockets. When you sit down in a chair, the knife and your money comes out, so I need at least another inch in the pockets.
Haggar: All right.
The President: Yeah. Now another thing, the crotch, down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight. So when you make 'em up, give me an inch that I can let out there, because they cut me. It's just like riding a wire fence. These are alllmost...these are the best I've had anywhere in the United States. But when I gain a little weight they cut me under there, so leave me uhhh...you never do have much margin there, but see if you can leave me about an inch from the front of the zipper (at this point the President loudly belches into the phone) ends, right on under the back of my bunghole.
Haggar: All right sir.
The President: So I can let it out there if I need to. Now be sure you got the best zippers in 'em. These are good that I have, and if you can get those come in I will sure be grateful.
Haggar: Right. Where would you like them sent, please?
The President: The White House.
Haggar: All right.
How funny is that?!!!!
(Now Ralph...have you had any pants ordered by a President and got it on tape???)
Plus...there's just something about Haggar's that reminds me of my dad:)
Haggar's...gotta love 'em!
Happy Father's Day weekend to all your Haggar lovin' dads!
want to teach teenagers how to hang up wet towels?
send them to the laudromat a few times cuz the dryers broken
weeds growing faster than you can pull?
pull a Dorothy...pour boiling water on them (just don't hit your plants!)
can't get the lugnut off to replace your brake pads in your car?
use mom's handy 'heat' tool that she strips paint with to heat it up!
(ok...give that discovery to your husband)
and then there's the biggie....
tripping over signs in your little studio??
steal the dining room!!!!!
goodbye unused room ...hello new studio!!!
It's gonna take some doin' but I'm quite determined...that's usually when I'm at my most dangerous ..lol:)
more on that as it develops!
Three new signs I'm tripping over....
soon to be all in my etsy shop..
the beach sign is my favorite!
And one more thing before I go...
Happy 24th Birthday to my favorite tennis player who's playing in my favorite tennis tournament in my favorite city in the world!!