Sometime this past summer I stumbled upon a stack of vintage church hymnals~I picked them up for a song! The woman at the counter told me that her husband ~ a pastor at a local church~ found them in the churches old piano. These two actually have dates in them of 1893-just imagine how many church services they've seen...the weddings, baptism's, funerals and holiday gatherings!
She was curious as to what I planned for them- at the time I didn't know, but I loved the typography and the old paper~just lovely! I think she thought that strange, but I wondered myself why her husband would be willing to part with such beauty that held so much church history-that to me was even stranger!
anyways, here are a couple of them in my mantle display~

As much as it hurt, I pulled out four of the pages from the Christmas section and wrapped them around my 'Sacred Heart' candles, then tied them with hemp.

The pages were just a little long and had to be trimmed...but naturally I couldn't toss those sacred scraps...they are now a little chain placed in my studio.

My favorite part of the mantle is the paper garland I made...edged with silver german glass glitter for a little sparkle!
This weekend we'll be working on the tree...I know I want more paper garlands ~ I'll have more photos to share next week!
Little update on these candles....
Diane, of Lavender Dreams has posted a wonderful tutorial on making these candles...she did a great job with her first tutorial and her candles came out fabulous! Check it out here.
A big thank you to Diane!!
If you haven't already scroll down and get your name in the proverbial hat for my sign giveaway...two winners this time & it's open to everyone!