for me,
it's on the fridge already, it's my plan for the next decade!
many, many, many new years' wishes for your happiness!!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ paula
it's on the fridge already, it's my plan for the next decade!
many, many, many new years' wishes for your happiness!!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ paula
Thrilled to have recieved this award from Tracey of 'imjustyouraveragemom'! Thanks Tracey!
It comes with a little 10 interesting things about yourself...
huh? just 10??
ok... I'll try...
I'll start with the biggest one...
I'm somewhat of a miracle.
On Sept 15, 2007, at the tender age of 43 I survived a heart attack. It was quite a life changing event, as I learned that only 7% of women under the age of 45 actually survive a heart attack. Sitting at my painting desk I began to exprerience heart burn that just wouldn't quit and started traveling thru my uppper body, even into my jaw. I called myself an ambulance and sure enough...that was it. A very scary event as I was whisked from one hospital to another (via ambulance) and had an emergency cath operation, followed by a night in ICU and three nights in the hospital. Not something I like to talk about or think about but I can tell you that each and every day since then life has never been the same. Today my heart is quite strong, I'm happy to cardio doc (who's name is Dr. Cinderella, how cute is that?) calls it "excellent". Life is a miracle I will never take for granted again. All done talking about that!
less serious but possibly interesting things about me....
Number two...
I'm quite a pack matter how hard I try, I just find one reason or another to keep things.
Drives my husband crazy! He should just consider himself lucky to be among those 'things' I like to keep!! lol...and speaking of keeping things...
Number three..
I realized not too long ago that I have been cooking with the same cookware that was given to us as a wedding gift, 23 years ago.
Farberware. It works, why change it?
and while I'm in the kitchen...
Number four...
My everyday silverware is sterling.
YUP, I'm that crazy....I polish it too! I just love it, it makes me feel like I'm at my grandmother's eating her wonderful tomato soup she always served us. On her stove was a crystal pitcher full of soup spoons, sterling soup spoons. I have that pitcher now on my stove, full of sterling soup spoons. It's one of my favorite things.
Number five...
I'm quite handy with power tools.
Ya, at one point in my life I was actually a member of Sears' "Craftsmen Club"...(well, you got a discount for being a member!!)
ok... maybe?? except dad's not exactly smiling... ??? I give up!
we'll try a New Years Card. Merry Merry Christmas everyone!!!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ paula
Update.. Friday, December 11th....
Kirby remains in the hospital and has undergone a second surgery on his arm. He shows very little improvement and they are afraid he has severe brain damage. When they feel he is stable enough, he'll be moved to a rehab center in Boston.
As each day goes by it is harder and harder for me to be so far away from them and more than likely, within the next week, I will be making a trip up there to be with my sister and family.
As difficult as it is, we remain hopeful...he's young and strong-willed...I'm constantly reminding myself of this.
Thankyou all so much for your kind words, thoughts and'll never know how much it has meant. I plan to keep in touch...visiting blogs and chatting helps the soul alot!
bless you all,