Yesterday I had the most wonderful lunch..
(panera bread butternut squash soup!)
while watching my favorite bad boy
Anthony Bourdain
tour Venice, Italy.
(you thought I really had lunch with him didn't you?)
He lunched with artist Geoffrey Humphries after touring his studio.
Below is a photo of darling Georffrey in his studio...
how cute is he???

His studio overlooks the Giudecca Canal
(a well-known centre for music and the arts)
where he teaches courses on painting and life drawing.
He is also an accomplished blues guitarist, and spends part of every year painting and exhibiting in the Deep South of the United States - New Orleans, Charleston, and Savannah.
well, I noticed that Geoffrey and I have one thing in common...
we have the same little black hat!
Just that I don't paint with mine on, it mostly hangs on the wall!
well anyways...back to my lunch on the couch...
naturally I start thinking about my studio and well, how small it is!!
This has been an issue for me for over a year now...
just take a's where I paint...

then I roll my chair about 4 feet to the right and ...bam! computer....

This is when I start whining... I want a bigger studio!
Then I remember...
when I started painting, (how ever many moons ago that was),
I painted on the kitchen table.
It was easier to watch dinner on the stove but that was about it.
So... since it's Thanksgiving I thought...
maybe I should just be thankful I have a studio!
Yeah. That's it. I'm just going to be Thankful I have a studio.
(well...til New Years anyways...then all bets are off!)
wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!
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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ paula