Just so sweet! From Jennifer of MaidenShade, who I delightfully just designed signs for, has given me a blog award:)

The rules with this award are to:
1) List 7 things you love.
This seems to be the tough part...or maybe it's the easy part?
Let's see...hmmm...well, seven things, in no particular order:
1....I love pink clouds. When I see them my jaw drops as if it is the first time, to me they are amazing, some freak of nature that is so incredibly beautiful....

2....the beach and everything about it....the sand, the waves, the shells, the sound, the smell, the birds, the wind, the salty air, and the totally refreshed feeling i get after a day spent there; i could live there, right there, in the sand, forever.
3....my customers, truly some of the nicest people I've met in my lifetime. How fortunate I am to have the gift of painting and it's rewards...my customers.
Along with them I adore the feedback they leave me, sometimes I think I paint just for feedback:) below are some of my favs...
Simply Divine-- Perfecto, Love it so much- perfectly packaged 10000 Stars!!
Another "Beautiful" sign from this very talented artist...Love it!!
GORGEOUS sign! EXCELLENT transaction from start to finish!! 5 STARS all the way!
no girls...thank you! I wonder if they know what an inspiration they are?
4....Dunkin Donuts Coffee, this is more of an addiction than an adoration, but some people love hot fudge sundae's, I love DD.

5....my car. I'm not very materialistic, in fact I'm truly a plain jane. I love pretty things but I find such beauty in the most unexpected yard sale and flea market finds...trendy things are so not me. However, an exception must be made when it comes to my car....

it is a bmw z3 convertible, 10 years old and just the most darling "thing" I own. Having driven very boring sedans most of my adult life, at age 40 I decided to get something fun...I got very fun, don't you think?
6....my mom and dad. Of course it goes without saying my husband and two children are near and dear, but my mom & dad, and the wonderful marriage they shared is cherished by me more than they'll ever know. We lost my mom almost 10 years ago and miss her dearly. She is in my thoughts daily as I go through life's struggles and triumphs, always stopping to ponder "what would mom have done?". Below is my favorite picture of them, on Nana's porch back when they were just dating...I adore their 'love of life' expressions...
7...lastly I'd have to say I would be remiss if I didn't share my love of Katherine Hepburn. I've read every biography on her, including her own (Me). Her adventurous love of life, her independence, her strong spirit and even her boldness. Did you know she swam in the ocean almost every day? At her family's home in Connecticut, even in frigid temperatures. If I could remold myself I would be her twin, with one exception, she hated dangling earrings, they are all I wear.
If your interested you can learn more about her here: http://www.films42.com/tribute/hepburn.asp
Whew!...that wasn't so bad at all...I actually could go on and on...
But I won't!
back to the rules....
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award. Thankyou Jennifier!
3) Pass it along to 7 other (fabulous, enriching, interesting, talented, engaging and of course creative,) bloggers. (Just save the award logo to your computer, and place it on your blog.)
ok...I'm passing this adorable award along...check these girls out!